Amenities That Employees Want The Most At Their Office

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The Amenities Employees Want in an Office Space

While launching a startup is exciting, it also requires plenty of planning to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Choosing office space optimal not only for your business model, but also to attract the best talent, is vital. Knowing what office amenities to consider is essential to create the best atmosphere and working environment. 

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Location, Location, Location

Your office space location can make the difference between a business that stagnates or scales faster than expected. Research various areas near you to compare startup costs as well as population and foot traffic. Consider a local city for startups and small businesses, especially if your target consumers are within the demographics that frequent neighborhoods nearest you. Choosing the right location is one of the biggest decisions you'll make as you move forward with growing your company.

Nearby Dining and Entertainment

Renting an office space in a desolate area is not likely to attract top performers. Choose to rent your office space in an area that's attractive to the talent you intend to hire. Seek out office space within walking distance of public transportation, parking and restaurants. 

Surrounding Culture

Do you have plans to hire younger employees? It's important to consider the cultural elements you intend to implement. Much of the younger generations appreciate a variety of cultures. As important as it is to provide employees with amenities, also consider cultural elements to create an inclusive environment.

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On-Demand Beverages

Offering employees high-quality beverages throughout the day is a great way to provide motivation for little cost. Consider investing in a high end coffee maker, kombucha or seasonal beverages that everyone will enjoy. Offer a variety of teas and sports drinks to appeal to all employees.

Fun Activities

Want your employees to feel excited about coming to work? Consider offering free time and downtime during traditional schedules and workdays. Ping pong tables, faux slot machines, and even complete video game console systems are all fun activities for breaks. Providing employees with space to relax and unwind is a good way to keep them happy. When employees don't have a healthy work/life balance, they are less likely to remain productive.

Fast Internet 

Having a fast internet connection is imperative for any business. If you intend to rent a space within a large building, inquire about the reliability of the WiFi. In larger cities and buildings there are often deals for business owners seeking high quality internet connections.

Comfortable Workplace Temperature

Employees are much more likely to thrive in an office space that is comfortable. Always maintain a comfortable workplace temperature, allowing employees to share their input. Keeping the office space you rent too cool is better than too warm. It's much easier for individuals to layer clothing than it is to get cool.

Companies with a modern culture are implementing office amenities for employees more than ever before. With an idea of the type of workplace culture you want to build and a thorough understanding of your business model, create a work environment that is truly appreciated by employees.

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