Interview With Chrys Tan, Founder Of Women Digital Nomads & Co-founder of MISO

Interview With Chrys Tan, Founder Of Women Digital Nomads & Co-founder of MISO
coworking spaces in new york city

Women Digital Nomads started as a hobby that grew into a revenue-making website. A Lonely Planet for digital nomads, that also focuses on providing women information on health and safety.

Women Digital Nomads has become a powerful brand even though Chrys has not spent a single cent on advertising. 

Chrys was born and raised in Singapore, but she has been living and working abroad as a digital nomad for the past year. She first discovered the digital nomad lifestyle a year ago, which was also when she decided to launch Women Digital Nomads after not being able to find any women-focused digital nomad websites. Since then, she has lived and worked in Cambodia, the United States, Colombia, Peru, and Mexico. Chrys was nice enough to do an interview with us and tell us more about working remotely.

a small crab walking on the beach

What is your favorite hobby?

During my free time, I like to go on day trips and explore new towns. I also love going on hikes or spending a day at the beach.

Prior to becoming a digital nomad, I honed my marketing skills in Singapore's largest advertising agency for five years, before leaving to launch my first startup.

These days, besides managing Women Digital Nomads, I am also the co-founder of a healthy food and fitness classes/gyms location app called MISO.

My app, MISO, lets you find healthy food places, fitness studios/gyms and extreme sports near you. At the moment there are data for more than 60 cities around the world, and all the data is curated by us.

Who are your ideal clients?

For Women Digital Nomads, our ideal clients are companies that want to reach out to a growing number of digital nomads, location independent freelancers, and entrepreneurs. We've had advertisers across different industries, from coworking spaces to digital nomad retreat companies to flight booking services.

For MISO, our idea clients are healthy restaurants and gyms. We have a feature called MISO for Business premium account, which allows places to add more information on their profile and also to advertise to our health-conscious users.

What is the biggest reason for your success so far?

Not fearing failure. I once read that if you knew you were going to succeed on your 17th try, would you give up now? Even if my first few tries failed, I know that someday one of my business will succeed, and as we all know, all we need is one successful business.

What is working best for your marketing right now?

Word of mouth and social media. That has helped to grow Women Digital Nomads without a marketing budget.

Why are you different than your competition?

For Women Digital Nomads, it was creating something people wanted earlier than my competition.

For MISO, it was about making it super easy for you to find healthy places instead of spending time searching through Google search results.

What is the toughest decision you've had to make in the last few months?

I've had to decide which route I have to take both Women Digital Nomads and MISO to profitability.

If it was possible, what advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?

Spending lots of money on a degree is unnecessary. Actually, I did give myself this advice 10 years ago and I am currently debt-free, unlike many of my friends who went to college.

temple in thailand

Favorite place to travel to?

Thailand. Lived there for a year and absolutely enjoyed my time there.

What book are you most likely to give as a gift?

The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris.

What is your favorite app or online tool?

MISO, of course. I use it when I travel in order to maintain my fitness and diet routine.

What advice do you have for new founders?

Never give up. Someone once told me that nothing good comes easily, and that is the hard truth. Overnight successes will rarely happen, but hard work and networking will help you get to where you want to be, even if it takes a while to get there.

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