Co-working Updates for NYC & Around the World

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Learn how to cowork while sailing around the world or enjoy a coworking space in the beautiful hills of Manali, India.

For our coworking space in NYC, it's important to stay updated on the latest events and trends. Here are the very best articles about coworking from around the world this week. 

Kwerk has a double meaning, riffing on the French pronunciation of 'co-work' and 'quirk' with a possible subconscious allusion to 'twerk' – either way, this is a seriously sexy workplace.

'Isolation is the enemy of creativity,' says Angel. 'We wanted to favor interactivity by creating a space with a collective consciousness.'

The 23,680 sq ft building is located in Paris' busiest business district, the eighth arrondissement. It is the second Kwerk in the capital and is the brand's flagship space.

Angel and Knights travel constantly between homes in Bali, New York, and Jakarta. Kwerk's interior reflects these multicultural influences with an ambiance that is a part boutique hotel, part art gallery. Read more at

a new coworking space in the middle of the ocean called coboat

In an era where working overtime has become the new norm, finding that delicate work-life balance has also become increasingly elusive. Potential solutions include instigating a 4-hour workday or a 4 day work week; going on staycations or even workcations.

Yet another trend on the rise: other experts are noting how technology is spurring the growth of a global freelance economy and how the emergence of location-independent workers may very well do away with old notions of working 9-to-5 at an office.

To cater to these digital nomads, co-working hubs have popped up in many cities around the world, and even global co-living subscriptions. Now, there's also Coboat, a sustainably powered catamaran that doubles as a floating co-working space for up to twenty digital nomads at a time. Read more at

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Born Free Coworking is suited for small startups and freelancers, who want to get away from their usual work locations for a week or a month.

With Born Free, Sachin also wanted to help travelers connect with like-minded entrepreneurs on the move. Sachin, who was previously working with a software company inoXapps in Noida, has been traveling for the last two years extensively through India, Southeast Asia, Bhutan, US, Korea, and Japan, among other places. His extensive travel and volunteering experience ticked the idea to do something for travelers. Read more at

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