The Farm SoHo Coworking Member Q&A: Eitan Miller

eitan miller boundless creative featured image

We love meeting the members of our vibrant coworking community. Recently, we had the chance to have a quick interview with Eitan Miller, the Founder and Director of production company Boundless Creative. Simply put, we’re grateful for the opportunity to pick his brain.

Read on and meet one of our avid coworkers who’s been using The Farm Soho’s coworking spaces for almost a year now! 

Please describe the work your production company does.

Boundless Creative is a commercial production company, specializing in branded content, commercials, and promotional videos. We help businesses elevate brands through a storytelling-focused approach. 

production company

We partner with companies, nonprofits, and agencies to help them launch products/services, share their mission and story with prospective customers, and drive sales.

What is your professional background and how did it lead to founding your own production company? 

I got my BFA in film production with a concentration in cinematography, and was always interested in business as well. After graduating film school, I worked as a freelancer with other production companies including on projects for Fortune 500 companies. This is in addition to working part time as the lead account manager at a startup.

Working as an account manager was a great experience, and I learned so much from the entrepreneurs I worked with. From sales funnels to strategic marketing to hiring, this experience gave me a look under the hood of over 50 companies. I used this understanding not only to build Boundless Creative, but also to better understand the needs of companies looking for video content.

I leverage my background in filmmaking with my business mindset to create content that empowers companies to hit (and exceed) their goals!

How would you describe your leadership style?

Filmmaking is all about cooperation and creativity. I’m a firm believer that everyone can learn something from each other, and creativity thrives with teamwork. One of my favorite parts of commercial filmmaking is learning about the diverse companies we make videos for, and spending time with the talented teams who make those videos possible.

The best teams are greater than the sum of their parts, and I strive to build and support those teams!

What new trends are emerging in your industry and how is your production company adapting to them?

It’s clear that consumers don’t respond to the same kind of advertising they used to. People want to see content that's educational, entertaining, or provides some other form of inherent value. These are defining characteristics of branded content, and there’s been a huge rise in demand for these videos recently.

The Farm SoHo Coworking Member Q&A: Eitan Miller blog img

Additionally, even as the pandemic begins to subside, virtual meetings and events are still incredibly popular. By recording high quality video content in-person and broadcasting it to a virtual audience, companies are able to connect on a more meaningful level with their audiences. 

What apps or tools does your production company use the most?

Google Drive, Hubspot, LinkedIn, and Airtable are all used daily to run the business. On the production side, Adobe Suite, DaVinci Resolve, and a slew of other technical tools make video production possible.

What do you love to do during your free time?

I love writing and listening to music, cooking, exploring new places, and volunteering as a concert photographer for Sofar Sounds!

What’s the most meaningful advice you’ve ever received in life?

It’s never as good as it seems, and it’s never as bad as it seems. 

production company

Не помню, кто первым дал мне этот совет, но это был невероятно полезный настрой как в личном, так и в профессиональном плане. Работа на съемочной площадке и управление бизнесом иногда могут ощущаться как американские горки. Принимая победы и трудности с ходу, подходя к ситуациям с уравновешенным настроем и оставаясь адаптивным, я могу принимать лучшие решения во всем.

When and why did you opt for a coworking space at The Farm SoHo?

I began working at The Farm SoHo in June of 2021, about 10 months ago, and it offered everything I was looking for in a production office.

My production company films on location, so I was looking for a production office for meeting with clients and running the back end of Boundless Creative. The Farm SoHo is in a great location, has cool meeting spaces, and the 24/7 access was a huge plus.

production company

I’m glad to have selected The Farm SoHo as my office, and it’s been great getting to know the other cool people who work here.

Has your work-life balance improved since you started using The Farm SoHo’s coworking spaces? How so?

It’s great having a separate space to work aside from my apartment. The separation is so helpful for work-life balance, and I love the overall vibe of The Farm SoHo.

Lastly, tell us about where people can find your production company online:

You can check out my production company at, as well as @BoundlessCreativeNYC on Instagram and Facebook. My LinkedIn is, and I’m always happy to connect! 

Thank you so much for doing this with us, Eitan. We truly appreciate your insights and energy. Best of luck to your thriving production company, Boundless Creative NYC. In the meanwhile, readers interested to check out our coworking space and private office space for rent in NYC should get in touch right away.