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Over the past 18 months, many business owners have faced challenges that they would never have imagined possible. The COVID-19 pandemic has made times very uncertain, particularly for those working in industries like hospitality and retail.
While the pandemic has caused business to boom for certain industries, some have failed. But a good entrepreneur is somebody who is adaptable and flexible by nature.
In these uncertain times, here are some things successful business owners do to adapt to sudden changes.
When you pivot your business model, it can promote short-term survival as well as sustainable growth.
This has been the main challenge for some business owners. With some investing too much on a short-term model, while others don't try at all. This was evident during the middle of the pandemic, where some establishments shut down entirely.
Some companies immediately began to look into different ways of doing things. They sold different products that were high in demand. Some looked for new ways to get their products and services safely to their customers.
One good example of how businesses have successfully pivoted during the pandemic is restaurants. With many forced to close under stay-at-home orders, lots of restaurants lost no time in setting up websites where customers could order their favorite dishes to their homes instead.
Getting the right business insurance cover has always been a concern for small business owners, and with the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, it’s even more important than ever for entrepreneurs to ensure that they will be covered in the event of sudden closure.
BOP insurance is designed to cover businesses in the event of a sudden drop in income, allowing business owners to have peace of mind regarding the ability to continue paying expenses and paying staff wages in an emergency.
For some businesses, it’s been a switch to working from home that has allowed them to continue operations during these uncertain times. In fact, many businesses have found that their employees enjoyed working from home and that they were more productive as a result. Consequently, they have decided to continue it indefinitely.
Thanks to the cloud and various online services that teams can use to stay in contact with each other, switching to a ‘work from home’ model was often one of the least challenging things businesses have faced during the pandemic. From the safety of their homes, teams have been able to continue serving customers or producing work without interruption.
With retail stores forced to close at the beginning of the pandemic, it’s no surprise that online shopping boomed. As a result, savvy business owners looking to keep their business above water during these uncertain times scrambled to improve their online presence like never before.
Businesses that traditionally sold out of a brick and mortar store poured more energy and resources into setting up an eCommerce store, while brands have been more active across social media to continue engagement with customers virtually.
For many business owners, the COVID-19 pandemic was a stark warning to have a disaster plan in place. Many companies, even those that had been in operation for years, were forced to close their doors for a final time as a result of the pandemic, which has made it clearer than ever for anybody in business that having a plan for any eventuality is always a must.
More business owners are now more prepared than ever for the unexpected and determined to not allow any future crises to impact their business quite as much.
Despite the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in sight, there's been a huge impact on global supply chains.
Businesses around the world are finding it more difficult than ever to get the inventory they need. As a result, local supply chains will likely be a large focus in the post-pandemic world.
This ensures companies continue operating normally in case another crisis may arise.
Since the beginning of 2020, businesses have faced many different challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you're a resilient business owner, now is the time to step up. You can always come through the crisis with plans in place to ensure that the company is stronger than ever.