How To Boost Your Productivity In A Private Office Space

the farm soho private office space

Sometimes renting a traditional office space is just out of the question. They can be ridiculously expensive in some instances. It may not be a viable option for startups still trying to figure out how to get their business off the ground.

Well, here's the good news. You can actually take advantage of private office services being offered by coworking space providers.

As its name implies, a private office gives you access to a serviced space you can use for business purposes. Compared with hot desks and dedicated desks, a private office lets you enjoy some much-needed privacy. This means you get to work in an atmosphere conducive to focused business activity, without unnecessary distractions. As a result, you get more tasks done within your working hours. Your workflow process will be more streamlined and you can keep productivity levels high at the same time.

If you’re still in two minds about whether or not to rent a private workspace, here are some helpful pointers to consider:

A professional headquarters for your small business

Private offices give you an ideal environment in which to work, brainstorm, and collaborate with your employees on your projects. In short, a private workspace can function as your business’ headquarters. Needless to say, it's a better, more practical option than operating from your basement.

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Here at The Farm Soho, we even offer our clients mailbox services that allow small companies to have more professional branding. You can request for your parcels and letters to be kept on your behalf if you’re on a business trip. We may even forward them to your location if you prefer. This is something you might want to consider as an enterprise private space user.

Maintaining privacy in the workplace

As mentioned earlier, privacy is another obvious advantage here. Most businesses prefer to keep their operations confidential. That will hard to achieve if your team members are working at a cafe or at a coworking desk. A private office helps you guard sensitive information better. You won't have to worry about discussing private topics together with strangers passing by in the background.

Keeping the balance

Finding a good work-life balance is another perk because you can more easily separate work-related matters and your living space. While working hard on your startup is great, you also need to relax and spend time away from your computer. Doing so will get you invigorated and enthusiastic about getting back to work the next day.

You can stay (or leave) as you please - on your own terms!

No one wants to deal with a demanding landlord who charges expensively and then surprises tenants with rent increments. Let’s face it. Numerous startup entrepreneurs have shut their businesses down - before they could even get off the ground - because of these reasons.

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A private office removes that pressure and obstacle since plans are usually flexible. You can book the place for short or long periods of time depending on your budget. Costs are also comparatively lower than traditional corporate buildings. You can stay focused on growing your startup without worrying about constantly increasing overheads.

Improving productivity in a private office

So how do you make the most of your stay in a private workspace? There are several factors to keep in mind.

1. Set the rules

American automobile executive Lee Iacocca once said:

“Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can’t miss.”

Yes, hiring the right employees is important. Beyond that, you also have to establish distinct parameters and work culture as you use a private office together. In this way, you can smoothly manage your organization with clear expectations. You’ll be in a better position to hold your people accountable, and maintaining discipline and order will be less complicated.

2. Work towards a common goal

With your team, set your short-term and long-term goals so everyone knows precisely what the company objectives are. Preferably, you should also have self-imposed deadlines to help you determine if you’re achieving your priorities as a group.

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Post the goals somewhere in your private office where everyone can see them. This will help your team stay focused on your target in the weeks and months to come.

3. Stop multitasking

Entrepreneurs sometimes have the tendency to multitask, especially since they’re used to wearing several hats at the same time. Experts, however, have warned that multitasking has negative consequences including decreased focus, increased stress, limited creativity, and even memory loss.

So do yourself - and your team - a favor and kick the bad habit of trying to juggle too many tasks. You will be more efficient and productive when you tackle one thing at a time.

4. Learn to delegate properly

To quit multitasking, you have to master the skill of proper delegation. The idea may initially sound risky and scary because it requires a level of trust. However, it’s an essential part of leadership - and will be a useful strategy in the long run.

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As an entrepreneur, you want to train your people well. Delegating responsibilities means you have to explain the assignment in detail and provide the support team members need. The process certainly takes time but the end result will make it a worthwhile exercise. Employees do not like being supervised too closely. So allow them to perform tasks on their own and just make follow-ups as necessary.

When done right, delegation will allow you to focus on tasks that matter most while empowering your team at the same time.

5. Use the right apps and tools

Using the internet, entrepreneurs can easily find and access numerous software to help boost productivity and collaboration in the workplace

Our extensive list of 50 recommended tech tools for startup businesses covers this topic well. We'll teach you which ones are best to use for video conferencing, file sharing, employee monitoring, project management, and more. You can also peruse reviews and recommendations online to find out which tools will work best for your needs.

Your life as a business owner will surely be much easier when you’re equipped with the right apps and programs.

6. Make meetings meaningful

According to Harvard Business Review:

“Many executives feel overwhelmed by meetings, and no wonder: On average, they spend nearly 23 hours a week in them, up from less than 10 hours in the 1960s. What’s more, the meetings are often poorly timed, badly run, or both.”

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With that in mind, agendas should be carefully prepared in advance. Time spent on meetings shouldn’t go beyond what is scheduled. As a private office customer, you typically have access to the conference room. It’s best to make the most of that by avoiding long and pointless meetings.

Encourage interaction among participants. Ask thoughtful questions. Invite them to give reports about their assignments and projects. You may be leading the business but you don’t want to be doing all the talking during your meetings.

7. Reward your employees

You may have a great product or service. At the end of the day, your staff members will still be doing a lot of the hard work themselves.

So you need to make them feel appreciated for their efforts. In addition to their regular salary, consider rewarding excellent performance or perfect attendance. Simple rewards like vouchers, concert tickets, and magazine subscriptions are just some gifts you can get for your top performers. In return, this will keep them motivated and feeling recognized. You’ll be more likely to earn their loyalty and build strong employer-employee relationships.

8. Take advantage of the coworking community

Last but not the least, you have to be aware of the rich network at your disposal when you’re using a private office.

You’ll be likely to need the help of third-party services for some projects but instead of outsourcing, you can ask your coworking provider if they have any recommendations. You won’t have to search elsewhere because coworking communities are often composed of a wide array of talented freelancers, digital nomads, entrepreneurs, and other professionals who may have just the knowledge and skills you’re looking for.

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You’ll be surprised by the overwhelming amount of resources you’ll find within easy reach, so don’t hesitate to reach out to the community whenever you need an expert.


Coupled with healthy work habits, the right environment can really promote productivity among entrepreneurs and their staff members.

In The Farm’s private offices, you also get to avail of amazing perks such as unlimited coffee and tea, phone booth and conference room access, mailbox and address service, custom interior design and office layout, plus 24/7 access to the workspace.

Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any inquiries or want to book a no-obligation tour. We look forward to helping you take your business to the next level!